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Vale - League of Legends Champ Design

Skills Used      

  • Game Balance

  • Design Docs

  • Narrative Design

  • Ability Design

  • Unity

  • C# 


 Design Thoughts

 Vayle is an ambitious idea using concepts that League of Legends hasn’t explored before. While examining the current roster of supports, it became apparent that there were 2 interesting ideas that were not being utilized. There are none that give allies invisibility, and no assassin enchanter hybrids. The closest we have to each are Senna E which is camouflage, not invisibility, and Pyke, who is the only assassin support. To further develop my champion concept, I explored various regions that could serve as a suitable background for these ideas and to help flesh out the rest of her kit. I discovered the Shadow Isles have 1 true support in the form of Thresh, who was released January 23, 2013! While Maokai has evolved to be a support, he was released even further back on February 16, 2011!

Q - Vigil's Lunge

E - Vigil's Spear

W - Vigil's Shield

R - Vigil's Sacrifice

Passive - Vigil Strikes

Vale - The Bladed Vigil Concept Art

My First Iteration!

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