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Combat Design


I have always preferred fast and responsive combat. Games such as Dark Souls, Remnant: From the Ashes, Shadow of War and similar others are where I draw most inspiration from. Good combat should feel difficult but fair, rewarding yet simple. "Easy to learn, hard to master" is a motto I believe works well. While going through college and working on various projects, I have always been someone that wanted combat in the game when it makes sense. I enjoy making spreadsheets to handle stats, and working on enemy AI and player attacks. I will always strive to make combat as fun as possible by following the motto I believe in.

Player Combat

Upon clicking the attack button, the player "lunges" forward / rotates to the enemy to guarantee the hit lands. The combat system features a simple light / heavy attack combo system, and a dodge popup. A successful dodge will stun the enemy and move the player behind them for an easy attack. Lastly, to encourage aggressive play, there is a hit multiplier that increases player damage, but is reset on hit or failed dodge.


Boss AI

This is the first boss AI I made. I hadn't learned of Unity's state machine system so I coded my own. Each phase is separated by gameplay and visual differences and are triggered by remaining health percentage, with UX to show when a new phase started.

Arena Design

To make the boss arena interesting I decided to create a special ability. The boss will slowly turn red and then activate it's spinning rapid fire attack. The player could use their time manipulation abilities, or hide behind the pillars in the arena.

Player Actions

One of the first projects I did, Little Hero Story, I worked on the the player's actions as well as the AI. I handled switching between melee / ranged, and attacking.


Although it's simple and even a bit goofy, this was where I started with combat both in Little Hero Story, and as a game designer. I learned how to create a simple version to test, and then update with assets.

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